- Description
Process for Trademark Logo Registration
Online Trademark Logo registration process
Step 1 : Trademark Search
- The first step to registering a trademark is to search for its availability and uniqueness.
- The Trademark Attorney will search online and offline.
- Once confirmed unique, theĀ trademark registrationĀ application can be filed.
Step 2 :Trademark Application filing
rademark application filing can be done online and offline.
- Register on the Trademark Office Portal
- Post-registration, log in using the user ID or digital signature
- Fill in the application form and save details to generate a temporary application number
- Sign application using a digital signature
- Make the application fee payment
- A permanent application number is generated two days after receipt of payment.
Step 3 : Trademark Examination
- After the trademark filing application, the examination takes place for any discrepancies.
- The examination takes about 12-18 months.
- The examination may be passed absolutely, conditionally, or objected.
- If accepted absolutely, the trademark gets published in the Trademark Journal.
- If not accepted, the objections mentioned in the examination report must be fulfilled in a month for the trademark to be published in the Trademark Journal.
Step 4 : Trademark Publication
This step is included to publicly declare the trademark ownership and allow any objections within 3-4 months of publication.
- In case there is no opposition, the trademark proceeds for registration
- In case of opposition, there is a fair hearing, and the Registrar takes the decision.
Step 5 : Registration Certificate
After the application proceeds for trademark registration after publication in Trademark Journal, a trademark registration certificate is issued.
Documents Required for Trademark Logo Registration
For trademark logo registration online, the applicant must submit the following documents along with the Company Logo registration application to further his candidature in front of the Examiner:
- Applicant details like name, address, and nationality; if the applicant is a company, then the state of incorporation
- Goods or services to register
- Trademark or logo copy
- Date of first use of the trademark in India, if used by you prior to applying
- Power of attorney to be signed by the applicant in Rs. 100 stamp paper
- If the mark contains or consists of non-English words, a translation of those words into English is required
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